Ms Anita Alexander
Get to know Anita
Anita loves the city lifestyle but also loves the peace that being in nature brings. Psychology and the infinite variety of people is her main interest and she is always open to new training and new perspectives.
To balance out too much thinking she exercises, swims, cycles and does fun activities with her friends. Travel is always on the agenda for the experience of being in totally different worlds, and to get a new view of life. Closer to home she likes podcasts for the experience of being entertained and educated while doing other things.
Education wise, Anita has a Masters in Psychology and training in a range of evidence based approaches to change. Some of the areas that have most influenced her are:
Positive Psychology – which looks at what people do well, their strengths and what creates flourishing and wellbeing
Mindful Self-Compassion – she trained at the Esalen Institute in California in this approach to managing and even befriending the harsh inner critic.
Coaching – combined with psychological approaches, coaching can super-charge progress in unforeseen ways.
Approaches to addiction and habit change. She is familiar with 12 step programs and can integrate this approach into counselling.
Body Oriented approaches – illustrated by the book title ‘The Body Keeps the Score”. Working with how issues are felt and ‘held’ in the body can unlock new and helpful information.
Finally, every approach Anita uses with clients she has experienced herself and know that they work to create shifts and change.
Anita is available Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays including early mornings and Online Sessions.